Big Bear Directions
How to Get Here
FROM LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES VIA HWY. 330 / HWY. 18: From I-10 East to the I-210 West merger in Redlands, or from I-210 East, exit Hwy. 330 in Highland. Merge onto Hwy. 18 in Running Springs and follow to Big Bear Lake. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FROM I-10 TO HWY. 38: I-10 East to Orange Street exit in Redlands. Continue straight for one block to the second stop light at Orange Street. Turn left. After one mile turn right on Lugonia Ave. (this is Hwy. 38). Follow Hwy. 38 to the mountains.
ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FROM I-210 TO HWY. 18: I-210 East to Waterman Avenue North exit in San Bernardino. Turn left at Waterman Avenue North (this is Hwy. 18). Take Hwy. 18 through mountain communities to Big Bear Lake.
FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY TO HWY. 330 OR HWY. 38: I-15 North to I-215 North, stay on I-215 North throughout the 60 West/215 North merger, to I-10 East. Follow above directions for either Hwy. 330 or Hwy. 38.
FROM THE HIGH DESERT TO HWY. 18 (EAST ENTRANCE): I-15 to Victorville. Exit at Bear Valley Road East to Lucerne Valley. Hwy. 18 bears right (south) in Lucerne Valley. Take Hwy. 18 to Big Bear.
FROM LAS VEGAS TO HWY. 18 (EAST ENTRANCE): I-15 South to Hwy. 247 South (through Barstow). Take Hwy. 247 to Lucerne Valley. After two stop signs turn left onto Hwy. 18 toward Big Bear.

Driving Tips
- Use turn-outs to let others by!
- No littering-please do not clutter roads.
- Never throw cigarettes out the window.
- Speed limit 55 unless posted otherwise.
- Carry chains at all times from November to April.
- Be prepared to show chains at all times.
- Chains go on drive wheels:
- front wheels of front-wheel drive
- vehicles and rear wheels of rear-wheel-drive vehicles.
- Keep your gas tank full.
- Keep air-conditioning off to prevent overheating.
- Carry plenty of water with you.
- Listen to FM 93.3 For Updates